Working Paper
Climate and energy
Working Paper
Central Asia: Moving Towards an Alternative Vision of Energy Relations?
Key Strategic Decisions for Europe in Energy and Climate Change (ARI)
Working Paper
Geo-Economics in Central Asia and the ‘Great Game’ of Natural Resources: Water, Oil, Gas, Uranium and Transportation Corridors
Lessons from the Failure of Chad’s Oil Revenue Management Model (ARI)
Climate Change Talks: Breakdown in Copenhagen; Next Stop, Mexico 2010 (COP 16) (ARI)
Working Paper
Spain, Water and Climate Change in COP 15 and Beyond: Aligning Mitigation and Adaptation through Innovation
Working Paper
How Can Spain Benefit from a Climate Deal in Copenhagen?
Working Paper
The Way to a New Deal on Climate Change
A Russian Perspective on the Energy Charter Treaty (ARI)
Energy for the Western Hemisphere: Revisiting Latin America’s Energy Scene before the 5th Summit of the Americas (ARI)