One of the Elcano Royal Institute’s priorities is to establish links with leading and recognised international networks, a basic resource for research which is also a means to assist the flow and dissemination of information. The Institute has established relationships with major networks and the most prestigious organisations and institutes in Europe, America, and Asia.
The Elcano Royal Institute is a member of the following international research networks:
The European Cyber Agora is a multi-stakeholder platform bridging the gap between government, civil society and industry across Europe to shape the European cybersecurity policy agenda and identify European perspectives on global cybersecurity policy debates. Key topics, therefore, range from EU cybersecurity policy, protection of critical infrastructure and emerging risks to digital diplomacy and the role of the transatlantic relationship.
Launched by Microsoft in conjunction with key stakeholders in the cybersecurity domain, it promotes collaboration across sectors including diverse voices and contributes to evidence-based cybersecurity policymaking through research-based and outcome-oriented engagement.
It aims to deliver policy recommendations to improve the EU’s 2020 Cybersecurity Strategy. It is divided into four working groups: civil society, inter-institutional communication, private sector and the EU foreign policy on cybersecurity (the latter co-led by the Elcano Royal Institute).

The Think20 (T20) is a network of research institutes and think tanks from the G20 countries. It provides research-based policy advice to the G20, facilitates interaction among its members and the policy community, and communicates with the broader public about issues of global importance. The first T20 meeting was organised by the Mexican presidency in February 2012.
The Atlantic Council of The United States
The Institute participates in the NTDnet project, a specific program of The Atlantic Council which promotes dialogue for the modernisation of the Armed Forces of NATO members.
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
The Elcano Royal Institute holds bilateral meetings with the CSIS, one of the most important think tanks based in Washington DC.
Common Security and Defence Policy MAP (CSDP MAP)
Established by ISIS Europe, the CSDP MAP is a network designed to fill a gap and a niche by collating research institute, university, think tank, NGO, government, and EU institutional work on CSDP in one place. It also gives quick access and policy input on outline and chronological timeline of CSDP and EU missions, country analysis, EU structure and several thematic. The CSDP MAP now has twenty-three partners across Europe.
EuroMeSCo (Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission)
EuroMeSco is a network of independent research institutes and academic centres specialising in foreign policy analysis and security issues, from the 27 EU countries and ten partner countries of the southern Mediterranean. The Elcano Royal Institute is a full member since March 2004.
European Association of Development Research and Training Institute (EADI)
A leading professional network for development and regional studies in Europe. Its membership includes a wide range of development research and training organisations, think tanks, national bodies, and researchers throughout Europe.
European Information Network on International Relations and Area Studies (EINIRAS)
An association of European research institutions working with information and documentation on international relations in research and political practice. It aims to establish a common European database on international relations and area studies. The short-term objectives include cooperation and exchange of information, bibliographical data, and publications.
European Policy Institutes Network (EPIN)
A network of some of the world’s leading think-tanks dedicated to analysing, debating, and designing policies for contemporary Europe. EPIN aims to contribute to the debate on the future of Europe. The Elcano Royal Institute participates in the Steering Committee.
European Think Tanks Group (ETTG)
The European Think Tanks Group (ETTG) is a network of European independent think tanks working on EU international cooperation for global sustainable development. The six institutes that are part of the network sum up more than 350 researchers covering all aspects of international development and humanitarian policy. They share a firm commitment to global well-being and a commitment to better collective action to achieve transnational goals.
The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
The UK-based IISS studies international strategic issues for politicians, diplomats, foreign affairs analysts, the military, defence commentators, journalists, academics, and the informed public. The Elcano Royal Institute is a corporate member.
International Relations and Security Network (ISN)
The ISN’s mission is to promote greater knowledge sharing, learning and collaboration by building a portfolio of free, high-quality information services; providing e-Learning consulting, content and technology services and products; hosting a comprehensive security training program for the intelligence community; and offering technical, editorial, and administrative support to a host of online communities. Based in Zurich (Switzerland), it is an online project of the Center for Security Studies (CSS), at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). The Elcano Royal Institute is one if its main partners.
PromethEUs is an independent network of four Southern-European think tanks. Its mission is to constructively contribute to the current European policy debate on the digital revolution and the EU Institutions’ digital agenda, by providing a perspective from Southern Europe.
Red Española de la Fundación Euromediterránea Anna Lindh para el Diálogo entre Culturas
The Elcano Royal Institute is part of this network since its creation in September 2004, by the recommendation of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Red de Investigación Iberoamericana de Estudios de Asia Oriental (REDIAO)
Created in 2007, this network is a forum of research centres and institutions of East Asia studies from Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. It aims to promote, disseminate and exchange of knowledge and research.
Think Global, Act European (TGAE)
Launched in 2008 by Notre Europe, this initiative brings together a group of sixteen major European think tanks and aims to make recommendations to the successive Trio Presidencies of the EU. Its ideas can be considered when setting up the EU Council’s common 18-month programme, thus enhancing its operation and coordination.
The Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA)
An independent research network made up of national research institutions from the member states of the European Union specialised in European and International Relations. TEPSA aims to provide and strengthen high-quality international research on European integration to stimulate discussion on policies and political options for Europe. The Elcano Royal Institute is member of the Steering Committee.