Senén Barro

University of Santiago de Compostela


Senén Barro is Scientific Director of CiTIUS (Singular Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela – USC).

He was Rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela (2002-2010), a period in which he promoted the research, innovative and entrepreneurial profile of the university and developed “Campus Vida”, recognised as a Campus of International Excellence in 2009. He was Vice-President of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (2008-2010) and President of RedEmprendia from 2010 to 2017.

He holds a PhD in Physics (extraordinary award) and is Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is editor or author of seven books and author of more than 300 scientific articles. Founding Partner of the spin-offs SITUM Technologies and InVerbis. Member of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences and winner of the 2020 José García Santesmases National Prize for Computer Science.

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