María Loureiro

University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)


María Loureiro García is Professor of Economics at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) since 2017. She joined the USC with the Ramón y Cajal Program in 2004 designed to insert international scholars into the Spanish university system.

She is Senior Analyst of the ECO-IURIS research group, that is included in the catalogue of competitive research groups in Galicia. Her research areas are energy economics, environmental economics and agricultural economics.

She is a member of the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences and editor of the journal Ecological Economics. She is the author of more than one hundred articles and is included in the Top 2% Scientists ranking of the world’s most influential scientists, according to Stanford University.

She holds a PhD and a master’s degree from the Washington State University and a Degree in Economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

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