Marcos Alonso

Permanent Representation of Spain to the European Union


Marcos Alonso Alonso is Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to the European Union since 2000.

Previously, he has held prominent roles in multilateral and European arenas. He was Director of the Department for European Affairs and G20 of the Presidency of the Government until January 2020, and has been posted to the permanent representations of Spain to the European Union, the Atlantic Alliance (NATO), the Council of Europe and the United Nations. In addition, he has served as Consul in Havana, Cuba, and was seconded as a national expert to the Secretariat of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) of the European Parliament in 2010. In the central services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, he held key roles, including the positions of Deputy Director-General for EU External Relations and Trade, as well as Alternate Deputy Director-General for EU Home and Justice Affairs at the State Secretariat for EU Affairs.

Alonso holds a Degree in Law from the University of Oviedo and a Degree in Political Sciences from the University of Toulouse (France). He has also completed the Generals, Flag Officers and Ambassadors Course of the NATO Defense College.

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