Camino Mortera

Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government of Spain


Since February 2024, Camino Mortera-Martínez is an advisory member in the Department of European Affairs of the General Secretariat for Public Policies, European Affairs and Strategic Foresight, Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government of Spain.

Previously, she was Head of the Brussels office at the Centre for European Reform (CER). Her work focused on European justice and national policy issues with special emphasis on migration, data protection, national security, criminal law and police and judicial cooperation. She also covered the areas of Spanish and European foreign policy.

Prior to joining CER, she took part in numerous European Commission projects and was part of the justice and domestic policy team of a Belgian consultancy firm. She was particularly involved in projects on free movement of persons, civil and criminal law, counterterrorism, political and judicial cooperation and private international law. She has also worked at a Spanish law firm, at the European Commission in Brussels and at the Berlin, Barcelona and Brussels offices of a German international company.

She holds a Law Degree from the University of Oviedo and a master’s degree in European Union Policy and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe (Brussels).

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