Bárbara Navarro Jiménez-Asenjo

Santander Group


Bárbara Navarro is Head of Research, Public Policy and Institutional Relations at Banco Santander.

She previously worked for Google (Madrid) as Director of Public Policy and Government Affairs for Southern Europe, as Director of Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) and as Head of Google Cloud APAC (Singapore). Previously she was Director of Public Policy and Government Relations at NBC Universal and Director of Intellectual Property at ClarkeModet.

She has promoted the Chair of Privacy in Spain with CEU San Pablo University and the Observatory for the Analysis and Development of the Internet in Spain. She has been a lecturer at the Carlos III University of Madrid for eight years.

She holds an Executive MBA from IESE Business School, a master’s degree in legal Practice and a Law Degree from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE), as well as a Diploma in Advanced Studies from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. She enrolled in the PhD courses at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she obtained her research proficiency.

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