The Scientific Council is the Elcano Royal Institute’s consultative body, which advises its director and researchers with the aim of ensuring the effective fulfilment of its founding goals, especially those related to research, the dissemination of the work conducted and the institution’s external relationships. It comprises outstanding Spanish and foreign figures drawn from the academic, political, diplomatic, military, business and media worlds, who share a recognised knowledge of international relations.
The Council meets periodically, at least once a year, although its members meet regularly with the Institute’s researchers and collaborators in working groups organised by specific areas, to draw up the reports and studies they deem appropriate.
The composition of the Council ensures a representation of global think tanks, researchers and policy makers, Latin American academics and active Spanish Ambassadors. Its members are assigned to the 10 themes of our research agenda, have subscribed to a Statute for Advisors, and include at least three generations of global researchers. The Scientific Council is gender balanced.
The Elcano Royal Institute remembers Xavier Batalla, Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, Milagros Hernando, Ramón Armengod López de Roa, Francisco Pérez Muinelo and Francisco Rubio Llorente, with gratitude and affection. Through their generosity and expertise as members of the Advisory Council, they contributed decisively to strengthen our institution.