Salvador Llaudes was an Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute. He is a PhD Candidate at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Public Administration, a Master’s Degree in Democracy and Government (Universidad Autónoma, Madrid) and a Master’s Degree in Diplomacy and International Relations (Diplomatic School of Spain). He specialized in the History of International Relations during his ERASMUS year at the Université Paris-IV Sorbonne. He has been a Visiting Scholar at the College of Europe in Bruges. He has served as an external expert to the European Economic and Social Committee and to the Institut für Europäische Politik. He has lectured in many institutions such as the Rey Juan Carlos University, the European University of Madrid, the Spanish Institute for Public Administration (INAP) or the Complutense University. He is a founding member of the CC/Europa association and a co-founder of the website WithTheVoices. He has previously worked at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels, and in the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for the European Union (Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation). He is also a frequent contributor to the Spanish and international media.
Research areas: Europe and Spain’s European Policy. His research includes the future of European integration and its politico-institutional design, the EU’s Foreign Policy with a focus on the European External Action Service (EEAS), the enlargement process and the citizens’ participation in the European project. He is also the fieldwork coordinator of the Elcano’s project “Mapping the influence of Spain in Brussels”.
Selected publications: “EULEX: Una misión a reformar y sin final a la vista” (with F. Sánchez Andrada, IEEE, 2015), “Spain’s stance on Cameron’s negotiations”, (with I. Molina, ARI 24/2016, Elcano Royal Institute), “Spain: an inward-looking and dispirited (but still pro-European) campaign” (with I. Molina, EPIN, 2014 ), “Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo: ¿y ahora qué?” (Comentario Elcano 39/2014, Real Instituto Elcano), “El ambicioso plan de Juncker” (with M. Otero, El Mundo, 2014 ), “New kids on the block: dinámicas de cambio en la representación española en el Parlamento Europeo, 2014-2019” (ARI 56/2014, Real Instituto Elcano), “El órdago del Reino Unido a la Unión Europea” (with F. Steinberg, El Mundo, 2014), “Europeísmo sí, pero crítico” (with V. Rodrigo, El País, 2015), “Spain and Italy: The ‘Europeanization’ Strategies of Two Middle Powers” (with A. Frontini, I. Molina and A. Sorroza, Ashgate, 2015).
Other contact information: Salvador Llaudes on LinkedIn.