Manuel Hidalgo Pérez

Manuel Hidalgo Pérez is Professor of Applied Economics at the Pablo de Olavide University and member of the Scientific Council of the Elcano Royal Institute
Senior Research Fellow
1 article published

Manuel Hidalgo Pérez is a Senior Research Fellow at Elcano Royal Institute and a member of its Scientific Committee. He is Lecturer of Applied Economics at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville and a columnist for the newspapers Cinco Días and El País de los Negocios.

His research focuses on the analysis of the labour market, education, innovation and regional development. He has published numerous articles in prestigious academic journals such as Telecommunications PolicyThe Manchester School or Revista de Economía Aplicada y Estadística Española. Some of his most recent works address topics such as talent attraction in Ethiopia, the fall of the skill wage premium in Spain, human capital externalities in Spanish provinces or the competitiveness of Spanish provinces.

In addition to his academic activity, Hidalgo Pérez has participated in the private sector in several public policy consulting projects for different organisations and institutions, such as the Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science of the Andalusian Regional Government or the Directorate General of European Funds and Planning and the Ministry of Education. He is the author of books such as El Empleo del Futuro, published by DEUSTO in 2018.

He holds a PhD in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and a Degree in Economics from the University of Seville.

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