Irene Martínez

1 article published

Irene Martínez was Analyst and Executive Coordinator of the Elcano Royal Institute’s Office in Brussels. She is also a lecturer of economics at the Blanquerna University in Barcelona and IBA in Karachi (Pakistan) and visiting lecturer at NATO Defense College. She holds a BSc in Economics from University of Barcelona and a MSc in Development Economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), in London. She has resided in East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.
Previously she has been a researcher at the Economic Research Forum (Cairo), Institute for Statecraft (London) and CIDOB (Barcelona). She has professional experience in the business sector working in internationalization, strategic development and foreign trade. She speaks Spanish, Catalan, German, Arabic, English and French and has knowledge of Korean, Persian and Urdu.

Selected publications: L’islam polític i l’Iran. Les claus per entendre el país dels aiatol·làs (Islamisme(s). Islam i política en un món, Ed. Base 2021), El infortunio geográfico (La Vanguardia, 2021),  Unexplored partnerships in the Gulf: Spain and Iran in the 21st century. Could COVID-19 be a turning point? (Nº: 244_2020 , Fundacion Alternativas), Conflict, Peace-Building and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Yemen  (with d. Mahmoud Al Iriani and Hiba Hassan, Nº 1391, 2020, Economic Research Forum)

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