Iliana Olivié

Iliana Olivie, Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute and Associate Professor at the Department of Applied & Structural Economics & History of the Complutense University of Madrid
Senior Analyst
64 articles published

Iliana Olivié is Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute. She is also an Associate Professor at the Applied & Structural Economics & History in Complutense University of Madrid, where she teaches macroeconomic analysis, theories of development and economic development in post-graduate programmes.

Ph.D. in Economics in 2002, she is a member of the Spanish Council for Development Cooperation (a consultation body of the Spanish Administration), vice-president for policy engagement of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI) y director of the European Think Tanks Group (ETTG).

University of affiliation

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Research areas: she works on globalization and international development, including global development agendas, European and Spanish aid policies, economic development and global development finance (foreign direct investment, international migrant remittances).

Selected publications: EU development policy in times of polycrisis” (with María Santillán O’Shea, Daniele Fattibene, Geert Laporte and Niels Keijzer, ETTG, 2023), “How is aid used to exert power? Gender equality promotion and migration control in Senegal” (Journal of International Development, 34(8): 1509-1526, 2022), “Whose and what aid securitization? An analysis of EU aid narratives and flows” (with Aitor Pérez, The Third World Quarterly, 48(2): 1-20, 2021), “Is this the end of globalization (as we know it)?” (with Manuel Gracia, Globalizations, 17(6): 990-1007, 2020), Aid power and politics (coedited with Aitor Pérez, Routledge, 2020).


  • Roundtable ‘Development aid in turbulent times’ (2025)
  • Assessing the implications of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine for Africa and Europe-Africa relations (2022)
  • Presentation of the Elcano Global Presence Report 2022 (2022)
  • Workshop Elcano-ETTG: ‘The future of the EU as global development actor’ (2022)

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