Félix Arteaga

Félix Arteaga. Senior Aesearcher at the Elcano Royal Institute, specialising in international security, cybersecurity and disinformation.
Senior Analyst
29 articles published

Félix Arteaga is a Senior Analyst at the Elcano Royal Institute.

He has worked as Senior Analyst at the International Affairs and Foreign Policy Institute (INCIPE), and the Duque de Ahumada and Internal Security Institutes of the Guardia Civil. He was Director of the Security Sector Reform Programme of the European Commission in Paraguay (1999-2000).

He has been an Associate Lecturer at the Carlos III University of Madrid and has taught postgraduate classes at the Spanish universities of Navarra, Autónoma and Complutense of Madrid, and the Instituto Universitario General Gutiérrez Mellado of the UNED.

He holds a PhD in International Relations and a degree in Political Science from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also holds a degree in Law from the Open University (UNED), is an Officer of the Higher Scale of the Armed Forces (retired) and holds a Diploma in National Security Management from the National Defense University of Washington. Fellow of NATO, WEU and FPI of the Ministry of Education.

Areas of research: defence policy, international security, European security, national security, cybersecurity and disinformation. His current research focuses on assessing the impact of geopoliticisation on the above issues and the adaptation of policies and societies to the new strategic context in the aftermath of the armed conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza.

Featured publicationsEl impacto estratégico de la desinformación en España (with Ángel Badillo, IBERIFIER, 2023), ‘Chapter 8. Spain’ (in: The Nations of NATO,  Thierry Tardy ed., Oxford University Press, 2022), ‘Chapter 39. Security and Defence Policy’ (in: The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics, Diego Muro & Ignacio Lago eds., 2020), ‘Chapter 7. Spain and Portugal’ (in: The Handbook of European Defence Policies and Armed Forces, Oxford University Press, 2018), La Defensa que viene. Criterios para la reestructuración de la Defensa en España (Elcano Policy Paper, Elcano Royal Institute, 2013), ‘El planeamiento estratégico de seguridad y defensa en España’ (with Enrique Fojón, IUGGM, 2006), ‘Guía de investigación sobre paz, seguridad y defensa’ (compiler, IUGGM, 2006), and La identidad europea de seguridad y defensa (IESD) (Política Exterior – Biblioteca Nueva, 1999).


  • Roundtable ‘Where is the war in Ukraine heading?’ (2025)
  • Roundtable ‘Korea’s economic security pathway: takeaways and opportunities for Europe’ (2024)
  • Round table “Ukraine, one year later” (2023)
  • Rountable ‘European security after Ukraine: The role of defence innovation’  (2022)
  • Roundtable "Implications of the Ukranian armed conflict for the global geopolitical confrontation" (2022)
  • Roundtable "Ukraine and the future of the international order" (2022)

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