Elisa Lledó

Elisa Lledó was Executive Coordinator at the Elcano Royal Institute’s Office in Brussels. She has a BA in Law and Economics from the University of Deusto, Spain (magna cum laude in Civil Law and one year ERASMUS at the Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris). She also holds an MA in International Relations from IE School of International Relations, Madrid. Her dissertation dealt with “Aid effectiveness after natural disasters. The case of Haiti: a uniquely tragic story” and was published in REDS Magazine, ed. Dykinson. She has previously worked as Junior Researcher at the Madrid-based think tank FRIDE, where she was responsible for the Spanish Foreign Policy Monitor.

She is a member of the Madrid Bar Association.

Research areas: in recent years she has worked on topics concerning European and Spanish foreign policy and on issues related to security and defence in the southern neighbourhood. Amongst the projects she was involved in, she participated in “Atlantic Future project” (an FP7 Research project led by CIDOB); “A New Pact for Europe” (King Baudouin and Bertelsmann Foundations); How does ‘going global’ come about. Insights from the experiences of Poland, Spain and Sweden” (DemosEUROPA, FRIDE and Global Utmaning).

Selected publications: Spanish Foreign Policy Monitor’ (FRIDE, July 2014 – June 2015); ‘How does ‘going globalcome about? Insights from the experiences of Poland, Spain and Sweden’ (DemosEUROPA, FRIDE and Global Utmaning, November 2014); ‘Atlantic Perspectives Interviews Report’ (Atlantic Future Project, FRIDE and GMF, September 2015); ‘Don’t compare the Portuguese with the Spanish elections’ (Euractiv, Op-Ed November 2015); ‘Errores y aciertos de España en política exterior’ (Esglobal magazine, December 2015); and ‘Lessons from Spain for a turbulent Europe’ (Katoikos.eu, April 2016).“Claves de política exterior española” (FRIDE, julio 2014 – junio 2015); “How does ‘going globalcome about? Insights from the experiences of Poland, Spain and Sweden” (DemosEUROPA, FRIDE y Global Utmaning, noviembre 2014); “Atlantic Perspectives Interviews Report” (Atlantic Future Project, FRIDE y GMF, septiembre 2015). Es autora de artículos de opinión en medios digitales como  Euractiv Brussels (“Don’t compare the Portuguese with the Spanish elections”, Op-Ed noviembre 2015); Esglobal (“Errores y aciertos de España en política exterior”, diciembre 2015) y Katoikos.eu (“Lecciones desde España para una Europa convulsa”, abril 2016).