Carlota García Encina is Senior Analyst for the US and the Transatlantic Relations at the Elcano Royal Institute and a Lecturer in International Relations. She holds a Ph.D. in Contemporary History from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, graduated in Strategy and Defense Policy from the Center For Hemispheric Defense Studies (National Defense University Washington), an MA in Security and Defense from the Centro de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (CESEDEN) and Madrid’s Complutense University, and is an expert on Rapid Assistance and Co-operation Teams for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Post-Conflict Rehabilitation by the Helsinki–España Organization and the Institute of Human Rights (Law School, Complutense University of Madrid). She was selected in 2007 by the US Department of State for the Programme on US National Security at the University of California-San Diego. Previously she has worked for the the Spanish Defence Review and the Press Office at the Spanish Ministry of Defence. She is also a frequent contributor to the Spanish media.
Research areas: her policy analysis focuses on the United States, the transatlantic relationship and security and defence issues. Also, her recent research topics include studies of the US foreign and defence policy, the US-Spanish relationship and US domestic issues (mostly, elections processes). Her broader research interests also include defence and foreign policy in Latin America and the political and security aspects of Sub-Saharan Africa.
Selected publications: she has written for journals and specialist publications, including Estrategia de Seguridad de EEUU, ¿de superpotencia a supersocio? (Revista Española de Defensa, 2015), ¿Francia, una alternativa al “amigo americano” (Aportes. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, 2015), La política exterior de Estados Unidos (Colección Cátedra de Coyuntura Internacional, 2014), El elefante indio desembarca en América Latina (with C. Malamud, Documento de Trabajo, nº 6/2014, Real Instituto Elcano), Una defensa europea factible (Cuadernos Manuel Giménez Abad, 2013), América Latina y la OTAN (Documentos de Seguridad y Defensa, CESEDEN, 2013), La cooperación internacional: 2015-2015 (Seminario binacional CESEDEN-GEM (Gabinete de Estrategia Militar, EMC Argentina), 2012), ¿Qué es el sistema antimisiles europeo? (ARI, nº 2/2012, Real Instituto Elcano) El nuevo escenario tras la intervención de Estados Unidos de América (Colección Monografía del CESEDEN, 2011), EU-LAC Security and Defence Relations and the Setting-up of a Bi-Regional Centre for Conflict Prevention (with C. Malamud, European Parliament Publication, 2010), The Surge: The Results of the US Security Plan in Iraq in 2007 (with F. Arteaga, Working Paper, nº 2/2008, translated from Spanish, Elcano Royal Institute). She has also published in the journal Miradas al Exterior (Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation) and for the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), in addtion to having contributed book reviews such as David Tucker: The End of Intelligence: Espionage and State Power in the Information Age (Democracy and Security, Stanford Security Studies, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2015).
- Roundtable ‘Where is the war in Ukraine heading?’ (2025)
- Roundtable ‘Trump is back. What does it mean for the US and the world?’ (2025)
- Presentation of the Elcano Policy Paper: ‘Spain in the world in 2025: perspectives and challenges’ (2025)
- Roundtable 'US elections: What’s at stake?' (2024)
- 5th Spain-Israel Strategic Dialogue (2023)
- Round table “Ukraine, one year later” (2023)
- Debate "Certainties and doubts regarding the midterm elections in the US" (2022)
- Webinar 'War in Ukraine: What role for Asia?' (2022)
- Roundtable "Ukraine and the future of the international order" (2022)