Carlos Malamud is Senior Analyst for Latin America at the Elcano Royal Institute, and Professor of Latin American History at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain. He is a Corresponding Member of the National Academy of History of Argentina. In 2015 he was selected by Esglobal as one of the ‘50 most influential Iberoamerican intellectuals’. He has been a Senior Associate Member (SAM) at St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, and visiting researcher at the Universidad de los Andes (Corona Chair), Colombia, and at Di Tella University in Buenos Aires. Between 1986 and 2002 he directed the Latin American programme of the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, of which he has also been Deputy Director. He began his academic career working on the economic history of the Spanish and Latin American colonial period and then specialised in 19th and 20th century Latin American political history. He has lectured at the Complutense University and at San Pablo CEU, both in Madrid. He is a Member of the Advisory Council of the Cultural Institute of the MAPFRE Foundation. He currently combines his work as a historian with his role as a political and international relations analyst focused on Latin America.
Research areas: Latin American History, International Relations in Latin America, regional integration processes, Spain – Latin America Relations, and European Union – Latin America Relations.
Selected publications: He has written numerous books and articles on Latin American history, among them: Populismos latinoamericanos. Los tópicos de ayer, de hoy y de siempre (Ed. Nobel, Oviedo, 2010); Sin marina, sin tesoro y casi sin soldados. La financiación de la reconquista de América, 1810-1826 (Centro de Estudios Bicentenario, Santiago de Chile, 2007); Historia de América (Alianza, Madrid, 2010), second expanded edition; Cádiz y Saint Malo en el comercio colonial peruano (1698-1725) (Cádiz, 1986); América Latina. Siglo XX. La búsqueda de la democracia (Madrid, 1992); Partidos políticos y elecciones en la Argentina: la Liga del Sur (1908-1916) (Madrid, 1997); El Estado en crisis (1920-1950), vol. IV of Historia contemporánea de América Latina (Madrid, 2003). He has also edited a number of works, including the following: Ruptura y reconciliación. España y el reconocimiento de las independencias latinoamericanas (Taurus-Fundación Mapfre, Madrid, 2012); El caso Pinochet. Un debate sobre los límites de la impunidad (Madrid, 2000); Legitimidad, representación y alternancia en España y América Latina: las reformas electorales (1880-1930) (México, 2000); with Elizabeth Joyce, Latin America and the Multinational Drug Trade (London, 1998); and with Eduardo Posada Carbó, The Financing of Politics: Latin American and European Perspectivas (London, 2005).
- Presentation of the Elcano Report ‘Why does Latin America matter?’ (2024)
- Seminar ‘Why does Latin America matter?’ (2024)
- Presentation of the Elcano Report ‘Why does Latin America matter?’ (2023)
- Webinar “Republic of Korea-Spain Cooperation for Supporting Latin America’s Digitalization and Green Economy” (2022)
- Conversation with Guillermo Larraín on the occasion of the publication of his book “The stability of the social contract in Chile” (2022)