Tuesday, 20th February 2024, from 11:30 to 13:15 CET (UTC+1). Venue: Fundación Botín, c/ Castelló nº 18 C, Madrid.

The reform of the European electricity market has been a key issue in the EU agenda since the sharp rise in natural gas prices that preceded Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The purpose of the reform is to limit volatility, protect consumers, accelerate the deployment of renewables and foster industrial competitiveness. The Spanish government advocated for decoupling the price of electricity from sudden hikes in gas prices and to limit windfall profits obtained by other technologies. Under the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union, an agreement was reached to reform the European electricity market. The agreement seeks to maintain marginal pricing in the electricity market but also to reduce price volatility by using mechanisms such as contracts for differences (CfDs).

Hashtag: #RefMercadoEléctrico

On the 20th of February, the Elcano Royal Institute is organising a public event in which decision-makers on energy policy, experts and the business sector will offer their views on the electricity market reform. It will bring together policymakers in charge of the reform in the Spanish government and in the European Commission, leading specialists on the electricity market and the directors of regulation of the main Spanish energy companies.

12:00  Welcome and keynote speech

  • José Juan Ruiz, Chairman, Elcano Royal Institute | @ElcanoJjRuiz
  • Manuel García Hernández, Director General for Energy Policy and Mines, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge | @mitecogob

12:30  Panel I: The experts’ view

  • Natalia Collado Van-Baumberghen, Research Economist, ESADE EcPol | @NColladoVan
  • Antonio López-Nicolas, Deputy Head, Strategy, Policy Coordination and Planning, Inter-institutional Relations, Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission | @Energy4Europe
  • Jorge Sanz, Director, NERA | @NERA_Economics

Moderated by:  Gonzalo Escribano, Senior Analyst and Director of the Energy and Climate Change Programme, Elcano Royal Institute | @g_escribano

13:00  Panel II: The companies’ view

  • Juan José Alba Ríos, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Endesa | @Endesa
  • Patxi Calleja, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Iberdrola | @iberdrola
  • José Luís Gil, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Naturgy | @Naturgy
  • Darío López, General Manager, Solaria | @solaria_energia

Moderated by: Lara Lázaro, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute | @lazarotouza

13:30  End of the workshop

– The event will be held in Spanish without simultaneous translation.
– If you are planning to attend in-person, please send RSVP to confirmaciones@rielcano.org.
– The event will also be live streamed on the Elcano Royal Institute’s YouTube channel. On-line attendance does not require registration.
– Questions from on-line audience can be sent by email to actividades@rielcano.org or via X/Twitter using the event hashtag #RefMercadoEléctrico.

Image: Electricity towers. Photo: Fré Sonneveld (@fresonneveld).