History shows that money has evolved with technological innovation. This pattern is likely to continue in the current digital age. The arrival of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, stable-coins like Facebook’s Libra/Diem, and the announcement by the People’s Bank of China that it will issue a digital yuan soon, have spurt other central banks to explore the possibility to issue their own digital currencies.

The ECB published its first report on the digital euro in October 2020 and in July 2021 it decided that it will launch a digital euro project. Precisely this October starts a two-year investigation phase to operationalise the initiative.

In this public event the Chair of the Eurosystem High-Level Task Force on a digital euro, Fabio Panetta, updated us on the latest thinking within the ECB on this important topic in contemporary monetary affairs.


Friday, 5th November 2021, from 12:00 to 13:15 h. CET (UTC+1)

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 Video: The digital euro. A conversation with Fabio Panetta, Member of the European Central Bank’s Executive Board | #TheDigitalEuro