Tuesday, from 10:00 to 13:45 h. CET (UTC+1). Venue: Fundación Botín (c/ Castelló nº 18 C, Madrid).
Hashtag: #ElcanoEU2023ES
The Spanish Presidency of the EU Council has not only had an intense legislative agenda, but also a very relevant strategic focus for the future of the supranational political project in the 2030 horizon. With the participation of experts from different fields, this workshop aims to cover the most relevant aspects of this Strategic Agenda, as mentioned in the ‘Granada Declaration’: firstly, how to work for a more resilient Europe and, secondly, how to reform institutions and policies to make enlargement possible.
10:00 Welcome:
- Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute | @CharlesTPowell
- Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive y Chief Economist, European Policy Centre (EPC) | @FabianZuleeg
10:10 Panel I – Resilient and competitive Europe
- Sara Baliña, Director, National Office of Foresight and Strategy, Government of Spain | @SaraBalina
- Rem Korteweg, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael | @remkorteweg (Online)
- Miguel Otero, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute | @miotei
- Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive y Chief Economist, European Policy Centre (EPC) | @FabianZuleeg
- moderadora: Anna Bosch, Correspondent, RTVE| @annabosch
11:40 Coffee break
12:00 Panel II – Deepened and widened Europe
- Daniel Fiott, Non-Resident Fellow, Real Instituto Elcano | @DanielFiott
- Maria Martisiute, Policy Analyst, European Policy Centre (EPC) | @epc_eu (online)
- Ignacio Molina, investigador principal, Real Instituto Elcano | @_ignaciomolina
- Ilke Toygür, Director, IE Center of Innovation in Global Politics and Economics | @IlkeToygur
- Moderador: Pablo R. Suanzes, Correspondent, El Mundo | @Suanzes
– The event will be held in English and Spanish with simultaneous translation.
– If you are planning to attend in-person, please send RSVP to confirmaciones@rielcano.org.