Co-organised by BBVA and the Elcano Royal Institute, the seminar is structured in two panels. The first panel focused on the EU’s climate action. For that purpose, it discussed the European Green Deal (EGD) as the roadmap for climate neutrality. Climate policy instruments –from command and control to moral suasion– were analysed. Additionally, the participants reflected on the effectiveness of the EU’s directional climate leadership as well as on the EU-LAC cooperation.
The second panel analysed climate policy instruments implemented in Latin America, including voluntary carbon markets. The opportunities derived from protecting biodiversity were discussed. Lastly, the relationship between development and decarbonisation was examined.
Panel 1 – EU’s climate action: global perspectives and implications:
- María Canal Fontcuberta, consejera en Asuntos Económicos y miembro del Grupo de Trabajo para la Recuperación y la Resiliencia, Representación de la Comisión Europea en España
- Pedro Linares, Chair, Department of Industrial Organization, ICAI School of Engineering | @P_Linares
- Rodolfo Lacy, Director for Climate Action and Environment for Latina America and Special Envoy on Climate Matters to the UN, OECD | @RODOLFOLACY
- Antoni Ballabriga, Global Head of Reponsible Business, BBVA | @aballabriga
Moderator: Lara Lázaro, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute | @lazarotouza
Panel 2 – Latin America before the climate change management:
- Mauricio Cárdenas, Visiting Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy, Columbia | @MauricioCard
- Juan Pablo Bonilla, Manager, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Sector, IDB | @JPabloBonilla
- Lennys Rivera, Técnica en Transición Energética del Programa Clima y Energía, WWF España | @lennys_rivera.
- Ricardo Laiseca, Head of Sustainability Transition, BBVA.
Moderator: Lara Lázaro, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute | @lazarotouza.
Hashtag: #AcciónClimaUELat
Read also: El sector financiero, preparado para impulsar una transición verde e inclusiva en los países emergentes (in Spanish).