Thursday, 18 April 2024, from 14:30 to 15:15 h. CEST (UTC+2). Venue: Clingendael 7, The Hague, The Netherlands.
The Netherlands and Spain share a long history of close bilateral ties. As the fourth and fifth largest economies of the EU they also share a special responsibility to help Europe move forward.
In recent years, the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael and the Elcano Royal Institute have been working closely together to foster the bilateral dialogue and to develop policy ideas that address mutual interests and concerns.
As part of the Spanish state visit to the Netherlands, the Clingendael Institute and the Elcano Royal Institute invited HM Felipe VI and HM Willem-Alexander to a conversation on European competitiveness and economic security. From a Dutch and Spanish perspective, panel delved into the adaptability of the EU, and what should a forward-looking agenda for economic and societal resilience, innovation and openness look like.
The panel included Charles Powell, Director of the Elcano Royal Institute; Monika Sie Dhian Ho, General Director of the Clingendael Institute; Christiaan Rebergen, Treasurer-General Netherlands Ministry of Finance and Salvador Rueda, Director General for Integration and Coordination of General Affairs of the EU, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The session was moderated by Rem Korteweg, Senior Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute.
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