Tuesday, 18th June 2024, from 12:00 to 13:30 h. CEST (UTC+2). Venue: Fundación Botín (c/ Castelló nº 18 C, Madrid).

The European elections of June 2024 did not follow previous projections that predicted a drastic rise of extreme right-wing parties: the European socialists and the European People’s Party have maintained and improved their results compared to the losses in past elections. Liberals have reaffirmed their third position, and the pro-European grand coalition could be renewed for another term. However, it cannot be overlooked that in several founding member states with the largest number of MEPs, extreme right-wing Eurosceptic parties have reached first and second positions.

In this context, how solid will the pro-European grand coalition be during the next cycle? Will we see an increase in specific agreements between the European People’s Party and formations to its right? What conclusions can be drawn from a Spanish perspective?

Spanish live-streaming of the roundtable ‘European elections: change or continuity?’.

Hashtag: #Elcano9J


  • Belén Becerril, Professor of European Union Law, Universidad CEU San Pablo | @Belen_Becerril
  • Carlos Carnero, Senior Advisor, Vinces Consulting; former member of the European Parliament | @CarlosCarneroG1
  • Raquel García, Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute | @RaquelGarciaLl2
  • Carlos Closa, Organization and Institutional Relations Vice President, CSIC | @carlos_closa
  • Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Institute | @elvirefabry
  • Moderator: Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute | @CharlesTPowell

-The event will be held in Spanish without simultaneous translation.
-If you would like to attend in person, please RSVP to confirmaciones@rielcano.org.
-The event will also be live streamed on the Elcano Royal Institute’s YouTube channel. Online attendance does not require registration.
-Questions from the online audience can be sent by email to actividades@rielcano.org or via X using the event hashtag.

Image: Banners for the 2024 European elections campaign in Brussels, Belgium. Photo: © European Union 2024 (CC-BY-4.0)