Friday, 26th April 2024, from 12:00 to 13:15 h. CEST (UTC+2). Venue: Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid (c/ Claudio Coello 98, Madrid).

Efforts by policymakers, practitioners and academics dedicated towards ‘development’ imply inevitable underlying assumptions concerning what desirable and attainable development constitutes, which determines the corresponding decisions and actions taken. Indeed, different conceptualisations –or schools of thought– of development can coexist, overlap, or even compete with each other to different extents, which in turn can have an impact on policymaking.

The aim of this public panel was to delve into the intersection between academic endeavors in the field of Development Studies, particularly in Europe, and their interaction with policy formulation and decision-making.

Public Panel ”Development studies and policy engagement: building the missing link?”. Duration: 1:17 minutes.

Hashtag: #DevPolicies

Welcoming remarks: Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute | @CharlesTPowell


  • Megan Naidoo, Predoctoral Fellow, ISGlobal (online) | @ISGLOBALorg (online)
  • Martín Rivero, Coordinator of Social Cohesion and South-South Cooperation Area, SEGIB | @SEGIBdigital
  • Andy Sumner, Professor, King’s College London; President, EADI | @andypsumner.
  • Érika Rodríguez Pinzón, Director, Fundación Carolina | @emaropi

Moderated by: Iliana Olivié, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute; Vice-President, EADI; Director, European Think Tanks Group | @iolivie