On 18 May 2021, the Elcano Royal Institute, the EU Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), and the Spanish Ministry of Defence organised a closed-door webinar on the implications of and needs for the Strategic Compass from the perspective of Europe’s defence industry. The webinar attracted approximately 60 participants from EU member states, EU institutions, industry and think tanks and it took place in the context of the EU Strategic Compass dialogue phase.
The webinar was focused on the European defence industry over the next 5-10 years and how the EU can manage and invest in emerging defence technologies. The webinar also detailed several suggestions for the Strategic Compass and high-level speakers from the European Commission, European Defence Agency, NATO, the Spanish Ministry of Defence, industry and think tanks joined the discussion.
- Elena Gómez, Director General, Defence Policy, Ministry of Defence, Spain.
- Gustav Lindstrom, Director, EU Institute for Security Studies.
- José Juan Ruíz, Chairman, Elcano Royal Institute.
- Félix Arteaga, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute.
- Diego de Ojeda García-Pardo, Head of Unit, Foreign, Security and Defence Policy, Secretariat General, European Commission.
- Andrea Gilli, Senior Researcher, NATO Defence College.
- Luis Simón, Director of the Brussels Office and Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute.
- Emilio Fajardo, Director, Industry, Synergies and Enablers, European Defence Agency.
- Anne Fort, Head of Unit, Defence Industry and Market Policy, DG DEFIS, European Commission.
- Pedro Fuster González, Deputy Director General, Inspection, Regulation and Industrial Strategy, Ministry of Defence, Spain.
- Jan Pie, Secretary General, Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe.
- Daniel Fiott, Security and Defence Editor, EU Institute for Security Studies.
- Charles Powell, Director, Elcano Royal Institute.
See also: A Strategic Compass for EU defence: What implications for the European defence industry? Final report.
Tuesday, 18 May 2021, from 09:00 to 11:30 h. CEST (UTC+2).