Also available:
- Procesos de radicalización violenta y terrorismo yihadista en España: ¿cuándo? ¿dónde? ¿cómo? Fernando Reinares y Carola García-Calvo. DT 16/2013 – 18/11/2013.
- Storify I Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global: “Terrorismo Global y Mediterráneo Occidental”, Blog Elcano.
- YouTube list. Live streaming video (Rielcano TV)
The Elcano Royal Institute is organising its first Forum on Global Terrorism (Foro Elcano sobre Terrorismo Global, or FETG), taking over from the outstanding work carried out in its previous eleven editions by the Permanent Seminar on Terrorism Studies (Seminario Permanente de Estudios sobre Terrorismo, or SPET), sponsored by the Fundación Ortega-Marañón. As with the SPET, the FETG will count on the cooperation of the US Embassy in Spain and Casa Árabe, which will provide the venue.
The first Elcano Forum on Global Terrorism is centred on the challenges posed by international terrorism of a Jihadist nature for the countries of Southern Europe and North Africa located around the Western Mediterranean. It includes a number of panels that present and debate the development of the terrorist threat in the various countries in the area and also the strategies, policies and measures adopted to counter it, with a particular focus on cooperation between the governments on the Mediterranean’s northern and southern shores.
Programme FETG1 English (239KB-PDF)